VEF Blog

Titre du blog : nature
Auteur : BernardNowman
Date de création : 09-06-2024
posté le 22-08-2024 à 14:44:20




BernardNowman le 22-08-2024 à 16:22:58
magnifique article et poeme mon amour (l)

ouiii mercii à ta family qui t'a appris mon amour (l)

je t'aimeeeeeeee (l) my always d'amour (l) à moi

gladys-lemire le 22-08-2024 à 16:10:43
les imags son très joli avec de belle couleur, trè lumineuse

et je dit grand merci a me family de mavoir apris

gladys-lemire le 22-08-2024 à 16:07:14


In the village of silence,

Time past reigns.

Through sculpted stone,

centuries frozen,

memory diffuses

what men have forgotten.

In the village of silence,

Which the vine encircles

And the stony path embraces,

Existence has only one sound,

That of the river,

That of the fountain,

That of this clear water that comes from the mountain.

In the village of silence,

The houses intersect

Labyrinth of interwoven lives

Walls that brush against each other,

Narrow windows that auscultate

The passengers of these occult vessels,

refugees behind their wide walls.

Not a word, not a sound,

It is in the murmur that we say to each other.smiley_id172963smiley_id172963