VEF Blog

Titre du blog : nature
Auteur : BernardNowman
Date de création : 09-06-2024
posté le 02-07-2024 à 19:38:58




gladys-lemire le 02-07-2024 à 19:49:43


Alas! who taught you these mysteries so young

And all these pains of the poor human heart?

What genius in the middle of lonely paths,

Leaving the cradle led you by the hand?

O vigorous cantor, oh chosen nature!

What is the spirit of Heaven that takes you wherever you want?

What a fragrant breath of holy poetry

Constantly lift the gold from your blond hair?

What mysterious art to your prophetic verse

Mixed so much sadness and serenity?

What divine artist, like the ancient wrestler,

Gave you so much strength with so much beauty?

BernardNowman le 02-07-2024 à 19:49:29
ouiiiiiiiii mon amour (l) et moi ossi je t'aimeeeeeeee (l) de ttes mes forces

je t'aimeeeeeeeeee (l) my wife d'amour adorée always (l) à moi smiley_id117191smiley_id2354644smiley_id166427
gladys-lemire le 02-07-2024 à 19:46:40
voila mon ti nomme the beautiful pictures(l)

tu vois davoir fait bokou de imag" se ma presque guerri mon souffle au coeur, car je ni pensé presque pls(l)

et le music ma bokou aider (l)

jtaime de toute mé force

