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posté le 30-06-2024 à 14:28:21
le 30-06-2024 à 19:19:05
kikou mon ti nhomme je t'ai en zik du besso
c'est sublime a écouter
jtaimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (l)
le 30-06-2024 à 18:29:37
je t'adore tres fort (l) moi ossi ma ptite femme d'amour always (l) à moi
le 30-06-2024 à 16:52:43
merci mon ti nhomme damour to me(l)
tadore très fort me always me life (l)
le 30-06-2024 à 15:04:02
magnifique article et poeme mon amour (l)
je t'aimeeeee (l) ma ptite wife d'amour adorée always (l) à moi
le 30-06-2024 à 14:46:09
The lunar enchantment putting the valley to sleep
And the day recedes over the level sea
Like a golden boat with many oars,
I gathered together, with a hasty word, my round lambs,
My sheep and my goats become taciturn
And I took the path to the nocturnal cottages.
How sweet the moment was in the quiet evening!
On the water blue rays having come to sit
Paths appeared traced for a fairy
And sometimes they wrinkled like a frightened bleak.
The herd followed me, bellowing and bleating.
I was holding a little white lamb in my arms
Who, being only three days old, trembled on her pink feet
And stayed behind wondering at things.
The silence was full of uncertain rumors,
Wasps were still stapling the breasts of the flowers,
The sky was lilac like peach velvet.
Peasants returned carrying their spades on their backs
Of silver that shimmered under a last ray,
And wicker baskets smelling of grass and onions.
The fields still vibrated with the play of locusts.
I was walking. The fat lamb weighed down my frail arms.
I don't know what regret brought tears to my eyes
Nor what emotion came from this heart to my heart,
But suddenly I felt that my soul was alone.
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kikou mon ti nhomme je t'ai en zik du besso
c'est sublime a écouter
jtaimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (l)
je t'adore tres fort (l) moi ossi ma ptite femme d'amour always (l) à moi
merci mon ti nhomme damour to me(l)
tadore très fort me always me life (l)
magnifique article et poeme mon amour (l)
je t'aimeeeee (l) ma ptite wife d'amour adorée always (l) à moi
The lunar enchantment putting the valley to sleep
And the day recedes over the level sea
Like a golden boat with many oars,
I gathered together, with a hasty word, my round lambs,
My sheep and my goats become taciturn
And I took the path to the nocturnal cottages.
How sweet the moment was in the quiet evening!
On the water blue rays having come to sit
Paths appeared traced for a fairy
And sometimes they wrinkled like a frightened bleak.
The herd followed me, bellowing and bleating.
I was holding a little white lamb in my arms
Who, being only three days old, trembled on her pink feet
And stayed behind wondering at things.
The silence was full of uncertain rumors,
Wasps were still stapling the breasts of the flowers,
The sky was lilac like peach velvet.
Peasants returned carrying their spades on their backs
Of silver that shimmered under a last ray,
And wicker baskets smelling of grass and onions.
The fields still vibrated with the play of locusts.
I was walking. The fat lamb weighed down my frail arms.
I don't know what regret brought tears to my eyes
Nor what emotion came from this heart to my heart,
But suddenly I felt that my soul was alone.