VEF Blog

Titre du blog : nature
Auteur : BernardNowman
Date de création : 09-06-2024
posté le 20-06-2024 à 13:22:03




BernardNowman le 20-06-2024 à 19:28:00
ouiiiii mon amour (l) merciii çà fait joliii kome çà je t'aimee (l) smiley_id2354644smiley_id2354644smiley_id2354644smiley_id2354644smiley_id2354644smiley_id2354644
gladys-lemire le 20-06-2024 à 19:25:39
sa fait kom a eklablog
gladys-lemire le 20-06-2024 à 19:24:51
je té mis un fond etoile

ou ya lé imag "

BernardNowman le 20-06-2024 à 13:35:20
ouiii magnifique article mon amour (l) et joliiii poeme

je t'aimeeeeeeeeeee (l) ma ptite femme d'amour (l) à moi smiley_id117191smiley_id117191smiley_id117191smiley_id2354644smiley_id2354644smiley_id2354644smiley_id166427smiley_id166427smiley_id166427smiley_id166427
gladys-lemire le 20-06-2024 à 13:31:11
très joli mon ti nhomme

jtaime très fort

gladys-lemire le 20-06-2024 à 13:26:19


By the streams, by the waterfalls,

In the fields of flowering olive trees,

On the rocks, under the arcades

Whose time undermines the debris,

Under the walls of the old monastery.

In the wood that mystery loves,

Under the shade of the solitary pine,

Under the cool sheltered plane tree;

At the time when, under the humble cottage.

The goatherd takes his meal,

In the hour when the light shines,

At the time when the day does not shine;

Summer, when under the green shade

You come and sit down after work:

Winter, by the cold, by the storm;

Always, everywhere, I follow your steps.

When the Argentinian bells

Wake up the bird in its nest,

It’s me who follows you at matins:

And when the prayer ends.

Leaving the Gothic temple,

It's me who goes under the portico

Offer you, following ancient usage.

Holy water and the blessed branch.
